Special Religious Development
Archdiocese of Chicago
3525 South Lake Park Ave.. Chicago, IL 60653

Spred Centers belong to the parish.
Experience has shown that when necessary resources are available
a parish is able to gather a sufficient number of its members
who form a small community of faith, a community of adult believers
to welcome those with developmental disabilities
and to grow in faith with them
as preparation for their participation in the worship experiences
of the parish community.
We provide:
ANIMATION We help people in local Churches to become aware of the needs of persons with developmental disabilities. We show them how SPRED can assist them in responding to their needs. With the support of the parish leader, we prepare them to take the necessary training.
MATERIALS for catechesis with the total community and preparation sessions for the catechist community.
Opportunities for OBSERVATION as a learning tool for parish leaders, families, prospective volunteers, catechists.
TRAINING courses Training can be taken for graduate and undergraduate credit depending on the approval of the college or university. Workshops, seminars and reflection weekends are offered throughout each Year.
We promote and support area COORDINATION.
SPRED FAMILY LITURGIES at the SPRED Center chapel as a way of modeling for parish leaders, catechists and families, the meaningful ways of participation for persons with developmental disabilities.
A monthly NEWSLETTER, a reflection on the experience of SPRED ministry .
March 2021 Accompaniment -The Joy of the Gospel - Fratelli Tutti -The Catechetical Directory May 2021 Reflecting on life experiences through the Spred method, Vivre.
September 2021 Spred faith formation involves a global intuition, synthesis.
September 2022 Father Jim McCarthy shared his deepest joy to have a catechesis that brings life and has that life celebrated in the Eucharist.
October 2022 A Spred community expresses its process of evangelizing through the environment. November 2022 Father Jose Santiago OP becomes the Spred chaplain and associate director of Spred.
December 2022 Spred is a ministry of encounter with Christ .
January 2023 Each Spred community formed patiently within the heart of the parish has the potential
to awaken life giving conversion.
February 2023 The foundation of Spred is friendship, the best witness of God's love and presence to
every person.
March 2023 Cardinal George gives delegation of powers for Confirmation for those with intellectual
and developmental disabilities to Fr. James McCarthy to be passed on to pastors who wish to Confirm those in Spred communities of faith.
April 2023 The catechist team from Ensenada, Mexico is able to develop a Spred Center after coming to Chicago for training.
May 2023 We want a life that is good and full of meaning for our friends that includes a rich inner life of the Spirit.
October 2023 Spred, a community of joyful missionaries. Pope Francis calls us to share our joy with others.
November 2023 Kathleen Kaiser retires after 50 years in Spred ministry saying, "I received so much more than I gave".
February 2024 Discovering who we are, enriching our lives and the life of the Church as we grow in
faith together
March 2024 Larry Adams reflects on how one's involvement with Spred leads to a deeper and more
profound life of prayer.
Also: Announcement of Sr. Susanne Gallagher's retirement as Assoc. Director of Spred.
April 2024 A Student at Catholic Theology University, CTU, reflects on his experience of observing a Spred catechetical session and becoming a Spred catechist.
May 2024 A previous story of Fr. James McCarthy sharing a conversation with Sister Susanne regarding her focus on the preparation phase of the Spred method of catechesis is presented.
For more information contact Spred
spred@archchicago.org jhess@archchicago.org esivek@archchicago.org